Viral Marketing

Numerous times we come across content on social media that is very relatable. We tend to share this kind of content among our friends and family on digital platforms. Viral Marketing is somewhat similar to this. Highly engaging content is by pages online and it is left up to the users to circulate it among their followers. This strategy is called the viral marketing strategy. The goal is to create highly engaging, shareable and interesting content that spreads like a virus.

This often leverages the power of social media tools to increase brand awareness and other marketing objectives. However, it can be difficult to achieve this goal as it takes time to understand the liking and expectations of the target audience. If a strategy works out, stick to it and leverage this strategy to build a unique brand image and generate lead in a cost-effective manner.

Strategies for viral marketing –

There are various strategies that can prove worthwhile in this type of marketing. For example, create content that is going to be liked by the target audience keeping in mind that it is half marketing and half relevance. The following are some important strategies to keep in mind –

1. Create compelling content –

The goal of content creation is not just catching a few customers but making it viral. Keep certain things in mind – the content should be shareable, it should be interesting and finally, it should be engaging. For example, if you own a clothing brand that utilizes recycled material, make sure to highlight this in your content. Make the content show what your brand is really about.

2. Utilize social media –

The various platforms of social media are a great way to start marketing for a page or brand. This will enhance your chances of going viral and reaching out to a wider audience. Make sure you create a brand image that resonates with your mission accurately. ‘

3. Leverage influencers –

We all know how crucial influencer marketing is when it comes to getting your content viral. Don’t just stick to basic ideas. Explore and rely on ideas that are new and unique. Influencers are trained in video making and can make good quality content that has the potential to go viral.

4. Create interactive experiences –

Marketing does not always mean you post content and forget about it. You need to interact with the followers and people who engage with your content. There should be the use of a call to action and involvement of various strategies so that more people interact with your content. Post polls, quizzes and other content on stories to enhance this.

5. Trend jacking –

Make sure to utilize different trends on social media to showcase your content on social media. This can range from popular music to dance moves to content that has gone viral. for example, a lot of pages have something called the payday sale which is a trend on social media reflecting on trendjacking.

Wrapping it up –

With important strategies in mind, it gets easier with experience to get your content viral. CTA will help in creating more views for your content and you can always rely on UGC and influencer marketing to help your brand reach greater heights. To be sure, use hashtags and search engine marketing to incorporate better results for your brand.

Other social media terms –

  1. Fandom
  2. Mega Influencer
  3. Nano Influencer
  4. Newsjacking
  5. Opp