
Are you hostile and resentful sometimes? Or are you just too arrogant to listen and do your own thing? Then you are just salty! This is a social media slang that is often used to describe resentful and hostile behaviour. Sometimes people might feel bitter, irritated, annoyed, or upset and cannot help but show it in their conversations. If someone is being like this and talking or expressing in this manner then they are being salty.

This term can be used in a lightweight manner to express that someone is being irritating and upsetting. However, this term is better when used in informal conversations. If it is to be used in formal conversations it would make it totally inappropriate.

For example, when you go shopping and your significant other keeps rejecting everything explaining how everything has something missing, then you can simply say, “Don’t be salty. Just pick something nice. I think this would look amazing on you.”

A person can also be termed by this social media slang if they continuously keep ranting about something upsetting or irritating that might have happened to them. This term is not necessarily negative. It just means that you are sassy!

Examples –

“She’s being Salty today because she got yelled at by the chief.” Here, the person is explaining how her colleague got yelled at and is upset and irritated over it.

“Instead of being salty about it, why don’t you just tell me what is bothering you and we can work on it.” Here a supportive friend is helping the other friend by explaining how communication will help instead of being upset about it all day and letting it affect the mood.

“She is salty all the time, I don’t even know why she behaves like that.”

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