
Have you ever received a mail about new products from a website you earlier bought from? This is probably a newsletter which you might have signed up for. This can be defined as a regularly distributed publication that is generally focused on a particular topic or set of topics and is sent via email to subscribers. Often, they are an effective way to communicate with an audience, providing updates, insights, promotions, and other valuable information.

These are usually subscribed to by the customers or viewers and are sent out weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, or at any regular interval that suits the content and audience. This is an inbound form of marketing.

Purpose of a newsletter –

They can be useful in keeping the subscribers informed about the latest news, trends, and developments in a specific industry or area of interest. Regularly sending newsletters can keep the audience engaged and retain community loyalty in the long term. Furthermore, it can encourage users to purchase products by promoting new products, services, or special offers to subscribers.

Content in newsletters –

  • Summaries or links to recent articles and blog posts relevant to the audience.
  • Updates and insights about current events and trends in the relevant field.
  • Real-life examples that showcase the benefits of a product or service.
  • Exclusive offers and discounts for newsletter subscribers.
  • Information about upcoming events, webinars, or conferences.
  • Practical tips and advice that add value to the readers’ lives or work.

Benefits of Newsletter –

  1. Newsletters allow for personalized communication with subscribers, addressing them by name and tailoring content to their preferences.
  2. Consistent newsletters help maintain regular contact with your audience, keeping your brand top of mind.
  3. By providing valuable and relevant content, newsletters can build trust and foster loyalty among subscribers.
  4. Newsletters can drive traffic to your website, blog, or specific landing pages by linking to relevant content.
  5. Providing exclusive content, discounts, or early access to new products can enhance customer loyalty.
  6. Compared to traditional marketing channels, email newsletters are relatively inexpensive to produce and distribute.
  7. Analyzing subscriber behaviour can provide valuable insights into your audience’s preferences and interests.
  8. Newsletters reinforce your brand’s voice and message, contributing to brand recognition and consistency.
  9. Including polls, surveys, and feedback forms encourages interaction and engagement from your audience.
  10. Newsletters can create a sense of community among subscribers by sharing user-generated content, testimonials, and success stories.

Summary –

A newsletter is something that a user subscribes to willingly, hence it is not disturbing. This causes major ROI benefits and better engagement. A lot of customer testimonials have shown how customers weren’t even thinking or purchasing but were alerted about the offers or new additions in store by newsletters and made their purchases. This shows you useful newsletters can be in inbound marketing. They hardly cost much and give promising results.

Other social media terms –

  1. Viral Marketing
  2. SEO
  3. Organic Reach
  4. Ick
  5. Geotargeting