Facebook Wall

Facebook has been an old social media platform that millions of people have used since the old times. It is slightly different from other social media platforms like Instagram and Twitter. It has a wall that consists of the user’s information, shared posts and content. This Wall, now commonly referred to as the Timeline, is a core feature of Facebook where users can post updates, share content, and interact with their friends.

Key features of a Facebook wall –

  1. Posts: Users can share text updates, photos, videos, links, and check-ins. Posts can include tags for friends, hashtags, and location data.
  2. Reactions: Friends can react to posts with various emojis (Like, Love, Haha, Wow, Sad, Angry) to express their feelings about the content.
  3. Comments: Users can leave comments on posts, creating a thread of conversation. Comments can also receive reactions and replies.
  4. Shares: Posts can be shared to the user’s own Timeline, a friend’s Timeline, groups, pages, or via direct message.
  5. Stories: Stories are short-lived posts that appear at the top of the Timeline and disappear after 24 hours. Users can react to stories with emojis or direct replies.
  6. Profile Information: The Timeline includes the user’s profile picture, cover photo, bio, work and education information, and more.
  7. Activity Log: Users can view their past activities on Facebook, such as posts they’ve made, posts they’ve been tagged in, and interactions with friends’ posts.

How to use the Facebook Wall –

Posting Content –

  1. Create a Post: Click on the “What’s on your mind?” box at the top of your Timeline.
  2. Add Media: Click on the photo/video icon to add media to your post.
  3. Tag Friends: Use the tag icon to mention friends in your post.
  4. Add Location: Use the location icon to share where you are.
  5. Post: You can click on the post option to post the content.

Interacting with posts –

  1. React: Hover over the Like button to see the range of reactions and select one.
  2. Comment: Click the comment icon below a post to add your thoughts.
  3. Share: Click the share button to repost the content to your Timeline or send it via Messenger.

Access stories –

  1. Access Stories: At the top of the Timeline, click on a friend’s story to view it.
  2. React to Stories: Swipe up on the story to access quick reactions or reply directly.

Privacy and settings for Facebook wall –

  1. Privacy Controls: Users can control who sees their posts (Public, Friends, Only Me, Custom).
  2. Timeline and Tagging Settings: Manage who can post on your Timeline, who can see what others post on your Timeline, and review tags people add to your content.
  3. Content Moderation: Users can delete or hide posts and comments, and block or report users if necessary.

The Facebook Wall/Timeline is a dynamic space for sharing and interacting with friends, allowing users to express themselves, keep up with their social circle, and manage their online presence.

Other social media terms –

  1. Data Analytics
  2. Explore Page
  3. Friend Request
  4. Geotag
  5. IG Stories