Engagement Rate

Social media is becoming increasingly popular among business pages and service providers. People are relying more on its various tools. Content that is posted on social media can create a huge amount of difference for businesses. The best part about this is that you can always look at the performance of your content on social media and alter its course accordingly. Engagement rate is a very useful metric that helps in knowing how much activity your content has attracted.

People like, comment and share posts on social media. This is the engagement on the post. This can be measured using the above metric. The engagement metric is calculated by dividing the total engagement on the post by the total impression that the post received. This is later multiplied by 100. For example, if a post received 2000 likes, comments and shares and the number of impressions was 10000, then the total engagement rate would be 20%.

Significance of Engagement Rate –

Social media has a lot of content and not every post is aimed with a goal of high engagement. But when business pages and service providers post on social media, they need to track their engagement on a daily basis. This is why knowing this metric and calculating it regularly will provide them with a clear picture of how to manage content.

Suppose, a brand posted a story with content A and another story with content B. The story with more engagement will be the strategy that will benefit the brand overall. To know this, the page will have to keep track of the engagement rate and calculate it for every post and even the ads and campaigns online.

This demonstrates how important it is to know how well a content is performing on social media. More engagement for the same amount of impressions will mean that the content strategy is doing well. The reverse for the same amount of impressions will mean that the content strategy needs more research and alteration.

Benefits of Engagement Rate –

  1. This indicates how well you are connecting with your audience. Therefore, you will know how much more work is required to increase your visibility in your followers’ feeds.
  2. It is a metric that evaluates your content. Moreover, it tells you how well your posts are performing making you look into the technicalities of what might be going wrong with your strategy.
  3. Audiences themselves can sometimes give you feedback on your content in the form of comments. Being active and going through this is very important.
  4. High engagement rates can increase the visibility of your content on social media. When users engage with your content, it will show to a wider audience through shares and likes, increasing the reach and impact of your message.
  5. This can measure your chances of getting more conversion rates and sales online.
  6. Monitoring your engagement rate can help you stay ahead of the competition. By analyzing your performance compared to competitors, you can identify areas where you excel and areas where you can improve, allowing you to differentiate yourself in the market.

Wrapping it up –

Measuring your success on social media is very necessary to know where things are going wrong and where there is a scope for improvement. This is beneficial in audience engagement, content performance evaluation, audience feedback, brand visibility, competitive advantage and measuring conversion and sales. This will force you to navigate through content, hashtags, captions, posting technicalities and much more to understand better ways of getting your content viral.

Other social media terms –

  1. Simp
  2. Sleep on
  3. TBT
  4. Unserious
  5. Vibe check