
In the context of social media, the phrase “delulu” refers to a slang expression used to characterize people who have a level of delusion or exaggerated optimism, particularly when it comes to relationships, fandoms, or personal objectives. It is sometimes used in a joking or mocking tone to highlight someone’s highly idealized or implausible ideas.

Examples and usage-

Enthusiasm for a Fandom:

A fan of a popular celebrity, for example, believes that two stars are secretly in love based on fortunate interactions.
Translation: “Caught up in the delulu world, fans are speculating a secret romance between the actors after a single photo together.”

Assumptions about Relationships:

Example: Despite limited communication, a person believes their crush is truly in love with them.
Examples of usage: “Some individuals are a bit delulu, reading too much into every text and thinking it’s a declaration of undying love.”

Career Prospects:

For instance, an aspiring artist asserts that they will become a global superstar overnight despite having no prior expertise.
Meaning of the phrase: “While ambition is great, being a bit delulu about overnight stardom without hard work may lead to disappointment.”