A “clapback” is a rapid, incisive, and frequently amusing response to criticism or a harsh comment on social media. It’s a means for people, particularly prominent celebrities or social media influencers, to defend themselves or respond skillfully to critics. Clapbacks are intended to respond to criticism, sometimes with humor or sarcasm.

Examples and usage-
Celebrity Reaction:
On Instagram, a celebrity receives a critical comment regarding their clothing.
“Well, I wasn’t aware I hired a fashion critic,” she responds. Send your CV next time before criticizing on my wardrobe selections. “#ClapbackQueen”
Brand Interaction:
As an example, suppose a consumer tweets a complaint about a product.
“I’m sorry to hear you don’t like our product!” We’d issue a refund, but we heard the rival has an excellent return policy. #Clapback”
Political Clapback:
For example, a public figure gets criticized for making a statement.
“I appreciate your interest in my opinion.” If only my cat was as concerned about my political beliefs. #ClapbackAccepted”