“BeReal, you don’t know the meaning of this?” Yes, we are talking about the term mentioned in the above sentence. BeReal is a very easy acronym to catch and understand and finally use while texting or using social media. BeReal is a term widely used to question genuineness humorously.
This term can be used to express shock over something or someone and to question if someone seems to be lying or faking something. Are you for real? – many of us might have heard this term online or over texts. BeReal is similar to that. Let’s dive into some examples that will make the usage of this term even more clear.
When you think that someone is faking it on social media, you can use this term, but it is to be noted that it comes out in a rude form. It can be however used in personal conversations and contexts. For example, “BeReal, did you not remember that?” For example, if you taught your friend a concept right before the exam and they did not answer the question because of not remembering it, then you can very well use this word and express disbelief in the situation.

“ I know you texted him back BeReal!” Here the person knows that the other person is lying and therefore is trying to confront them about it. BeReal can also be used in these situations, where you think someone is lying and you clearly know what the reality is.
When you can’t believe something or someone and want to tease jokingly, use BeReal as follows, “BeReal, we know you hate Maths.” Don’t we all have friends who boast about their skills which they actually don’t have? This term can be used while communicating in these situations as well.
“Why don’t you BeReal and tell us the tips about that test which you know.” Here the person is trying to get out secrets from someone about scoring more in the test. If you are trying to tell someone to be real and express the reality, this term can be used.
Social media is a place to experiment and you can go ahead and set your own trends and use BeReal in your own way. For example,
“BeReal, German is way harder than English.” Here the genuine opinion for something has been expressed. You can most definitely use BeReal in such cases as well.
“How can I believe you if you can’t BeReal?” Here someone is questioning the genuineness of someone else and hence using BeReal for that.
How are you planning to start using BeReal in your conversations?