
Every social media has a set of instructions for it to run and perform for different users. This is basically the set of instructions that determines what kind of content is visible on different user’s feeds. These instructions are called the algorithm. Social platforms utilize complex algorithms to analyze user behaviour, preferences, and interactions to deliver a personalized experience. The content is shown based on relevance, engagement and recency.

Key aspects of an algorithm –

Key aspects of algorithms in social media include:

  1. The algorithm will determine which content appears on the news feed. This will be decided based on the user’s past preferences, recency on content that was viewed and the popularity of the post.
  2. The set of instructions is built in such a way that they help in showing content based on the user’s interests, behaviour, and connections. This will further help in getting better engagement and user satisfaction.
  3. The popularity and relevance of the content are based on metrics like likes, comments, shares and clickthrough rates.
  4. Algorithms analyze user behaviour, such as the types of posts users interact with, the time spent on each post, and the frequency of interactions, to improve content recommendations.
  5. Social media algorithms also play a role in targeting advertisements to users based on their interests, demographics, and online behaviour.
  6. These algorithms are updated frequently so that they are user-friendly and produce ease of access.

How does the Algorithm work?

There are various factors to keep in mind to understand how the algorithm works. This is generally dependent on the following criteria –

  1. It depends on the user’s past behaviour. The posts that were previously liked, commented and shared are seen more in the feed. Posts seen further will be similar to these.
  2. The content’s topic, format, and the user’s interests play an important role in determining which type of content is going to be displayed in the person’s news feeds.
  3. Higher engagement = more relevance. This means that posts that get more key performance will be shown more on news feeds due to their relevance.
  4. The latest content is bound to be seen more often than older content on social media.
  5. if your friends and followers have interacted with a reel or post in the past, then you are more likely to view such content in your feed.
  6. The algorithm aims to provide a diverse range of content to users, ensuring that they are exposed to a variety of perspectives and topics.

Wrapping it up –

Overall, the algorithm is essential to circulate relevant content. However, many times this does not work in the favour of many people online, essentially with those who are content creators and business pages online. This can be combated by keeping in mind how the algorithms work. This will help in strategizing the content and creating a well-flourished post to get better engagement and reach on social media platforms.

Other social media terms –

  1. Doomscrolling
  2. Finsta
  3. Goblin Mode
  4. IJBOL
  5. Lewk