NPC (Non-Player Character)

A lot of us who play video games know what a Non-player character means. In video games, NPCs are characters controlled by the game’s programming rather than by a human being. Usually, they are used to populate the game world, provide interaction, offer quests or missions, and add depth to the game’s story and environment. This is how most of the players know this term.

However, this term is also used in social media and has a different meaning to it. On social media, this term can be used to imply that someone does not usually have their own mindset and usually adheres to other people’s opinions and points of view. They usually lack originality and behave in a very predictable manner. This term has been used a lot of times in a derogatory manner. It is to be noted that social media is supposed to be a safe space and people are not supposed to spread negativity on social media. That is why using this term with care is necessary.

Examples –

“Some people tend to live their lives like an NPC, just going through the flow.” Here it is implied that some people just go with the flow and do not really put much thought into things and opinions. This shows how they follow societal norms without questioning anything unsuitable.

“Don’t be like an NPC. Think for yourself.” In this example, someone is suggesting their friend to put thought into things before accepting them. It is necessary to have our own opinions and follow what we believe rather than accepting what others ask us to do.

“Don’t be an NPC in a group. Put forward your suggestions and points of view or you’ll be neglected always.” In this case, the person is being told to be active in group and conversations to ignore being neglected. Furthermore, everyone has opinions and that needs to be put forward to get recognized.

Other social media terms –

  1. Goblin mode
  2. Hot girl walk
  3. FTFY
  4. Doomscrolling
  5. Clout