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Let's understand how you can into your own applications.

Getting Started

There are 2 ways to integrate with

1. Integrate Button.

The Button lets you seamlessly integrate's editor with your website or mobile app. Just sign up for an App ID, copy and paste some code, and start giving your users the best possible design experience.

This documentation contains everything you need to know about the Button.

2. Integrate APIs.

The APIs lets you call APIs to generate Videos/Carousels/ Images and use them inside your application. Just sign up for an API key, implement the APIs and start giving your users the best possible design experience.

This documentation contains everything you need to know about the Button.

How do the 2 modes compare with each other?. Button
Integration ComplexityHighLow
Tenative Time for Integration2-4 days2-4 hours
Post Integration Flow
  1. Users can see list of templates in your app using the getAllTemplates API.
  2. They can choose the template to make content.
  3. The Create Post API can deliver the final generated creative via a webhook.
  1. Users see a "Create Content" Button inside your application.
  2. A mini version of is opened as a popup when they click on the button.
  3. We support SSO so users dont need to login again inside the popup.
  4. They see the Create Post flow where they can make the content of their choice.
  5. Once the content is made, they can click on the Publish Button.
  6. The generated content is tranferred back to the application using javascript.