rarancang Iklan Carousel Facebook

Improve ad performance and take your Facebook ad campaign to the next level with Free Facebook Carousel Ad Maker. Jieun édit carousels Facebook online.

Jieun Carousels


Tabungan dina Cost


Ngurangan dina Jam spent
ikon globe

500K +

Pamaké Di sakuliah Nagara

200M +

Eusi dihasilkeun

Facebook Carousel Citakan keur unggal kasempetan

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Kumaha cara ngadamel Iklan Carousel Facebook?


Masihan input téks hiji baris ka Predis

Asup ka anjeun Predis.ai account and go to the Content Library. Click on Create New. Enter a short text input about your Facebook carousel. Choose language, tone of voice, brand, assets to use.


Predis will analyze your input to generate customized high quality carousel

Predis analyzes your input and generates a carousel in your selected template. It also generates ad copies that go inside the creative.It also generates captions and hashtags for your post.


Jieun parobahan kalayan gampang

Want to make quick edits to the carousel? Use the carousel editor to add text, change fonts, colors, images, shapes and templates all while maintaining the generated branded content. Once you are happy with the carousel, you can download it easily.


Téks kana Carousels

Transform your text input into engaging Facebook carousels. Provide a text prompt, and the AI will generate a carousel complete with relevant images, copy, headings, calls to action, and captions. This saves you time and effort while creating visually appealing and effective carousels that capture your audience's attention and drive clicks.

Make Carosuels
téks ka fb carousels
carousel dina basa merek

Brand Alignment

Ensure your Facebook carousels are perfectly aligned with your brand using AI. The AI incorporates your logo, brand colors, fonts, contact information, and tone of voice to create carousels that reflect your brand identity. This consistency enhances brand recognition, reinforces your message, and provides a professional and cohesive look across all your marketing materials.

Jieun Carousels

Stunning Citakan

Access thousands of professionally designed templates tailored for every business category and niche. Leverage high-quality, customized designs that save time and ensure your content is visually engaging and optimized for maximum impact.

Coba pikeun Free
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carousels dina sababaraha basa

Langkung-langkung Basa

Kembangkeun jangkauan anjeun sareng nargétkeun pamiarsa global Predis.ai. Utilize different input and output languages to create carousels in over 19 languages. This allows you to connect with diverse audiences, ensuring your message resonates across various regions and languages, enhancing your engagement and expanding your market presence.

Ngahasilkeun Carousels

Premium Aset Saham

Enhance your carousels with the most relevant and high quality stock images. Based on your input, the AI searches for most appropriate images and uses them in the carousel seamlessly. Access millions of assets from the best sources on the internet, including both copyright free jeung premium options. This ensures your carousels are visually stunning, engaging, and aligned with your content, saving you time while maintaining quality.

Jieun Carousels
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ngédit carousels

Édit sareng Sesuaikeun

Effortlessly edit and customize your carousels with our built in editor. With a simple drag-and-drop system, the editor allows you to swap templates, change fonts and colors, add elements, objects, stickers, and upload your own assets. Personalize the carousels with our user friendly editor. Save time and create engaging, customized content with ease.

coba Ayeuna

Creatives pikeun A / B Tés

make Predis pikeun nyieun sababaraha variasi carousel sakaligus, unggal kalawan saeutik bédana pikeun nguji A/B. Hal ieu ngamungkinkeun anjeun ékspérimén sareng sababaraha desain, pangaturan eusi, atanapi olahtalatah pikeun ngaidentipikasi naon anu paling cocog sareng pamiarsa anjeun. Saatos variasi anjeun tos siap, anjeun tiasa ngajalankeun tés A/B nganggo aplikasi pihak katilu mana waé pikeun nganalisis kinerja sareng ngumpulkeun wawasan. Sempurnakeun carousels anjeun, sareng pastikeun yén anjeun nganggo versi anu paling pikaresepeun sareng efektif, anu pamustunganana ningkatkeun hasil sareng kinerja kampanye iklan anjeun.

Desain Carousels
AB test carousels facebook
ngajak anggota tim

Kolaborasi Tim

Kolaborasi effortlessly ku nambahkeun anggota tim anjeun ka anjeun Predis akun tur nyieun carousels babarengan. Gampang napelkeun peran sareng setel idin khusus, mastikeun sadayana ngagaduhan aksés anu leres. Streamline workflow anjeun ku ngirim eusi pikeun persetujuan sarta nyadiakeun eupan balik langsung dina Predis, sadayana ngaliwatan aplikasi mobile. Ningkatkeun karya anjeun salaku tim, kualitas eusi, sareng mertahankeun konsistensi sakuliah merek. Kalayan idin sareng tanggapan waktos nyata, tim anjeun tiasa damel langkung éfisién.

Jieun Carousels

Dipikanyaah ❤️ ku langkung ti sajuta Pangusaha,
Pamasar sareng Pencipta Kandungan.

Patarosan remen tanya

What is a facebook carousel ad?

Facebook carousel ad is a type of advertisement format used on Facebook or Meta. You can show multiple images in one ad. The user can swipe through the ads. This type of ad is best used to showcase a series of features, telling a story or benefits of a product.

The cost required to run a Facebook carousel ad largely depends on the competition, industry, keywords used, target audience, geography etc. Usually carousel ads cost somewhere between $0.50 to $1.5 per click.

enya, Predis.ai ngabogaan fitur kawates Free Plan and a no credit card asked Free Percobaan.

Anjeun oge bisa resep ngajajah