Make Captivating Ads with Video Ad maker

Nggawe level munggah iklan video karo Predis.a i- solusi sampeyan kanggo nggawe iklan video kanthi dampak dhuwur sing narik kawigaten lan ngarahake asil. Teknologi AI sing kuat nyepetake lan nggawe iklan video profesional luwih gampang tinimbang sadurunge.

Gawe Video


Simpenan ing Biaya


Pangurangan ing Jam Ngginakaken
lambang globe

500K +

Pangguna ing saindenging Negara

200M +

Isi Digawe

Ewonan template iklan video kanggo dipilih

black friday facebook video template
cithakan minimal
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travel Instagram facebook video template
music party wengi Cithakan
Cithakan toko online
cithakan modern padhang
adventure facebook video template
Cithakan bisnis
Cithakan toko sandhangan online

Kepiye carane nggawe iklan video animasi?


Nyedhiyani input teks

Mlebet menyang and go to the Content library. Click on Create New. Input a text prompt about the ad you want to create. Optionally you can choose a template, languages, and assets to use.


AI ngasilake video kasebut uses the input to generate a video ad with the selected configurations. It generates the copy and headings, ad copy and caption.


Ngowahi lan ngundhuh iklan video

Now edit the video ad to make quick tweaks, change texts, add images etc. You can also change the colors, fonts, and transitions. Once you are happy with your video ad, you can download it or schedule it to be published on social media.


Say Hello to Stunning Ads: Text to Video Ads

Berjuang nggawe iklan video? takes brainstorming and manual editing out of the equation. Leave it to our ad maker. Just provide a quick description of what you're offering, and we will churn out professional-quality video ads in seconds. No video editing experience? No problem! nggawe iklan sing nggumunake bisa diakses kabeh wong.

Nggawe Iklan Video
AI kanggo nggawe iklan video
video ing basa merek

Konsistensi merek, saben wektu

Get started by uploading your company logo and choosing your color palette and font styles. Define your brand's color scheme to ensure your video ads reflect the specific emotions and values those colors represent. Pick your favorite fonts, and will remember them for future projects. Ensure brand consistency across all your ad campaigns.

Generate Branded Ads

Ngadeg metu karo Animasi

Take your video ads to the next level with eye-catching animations and beautiful transitions generated automatically by our AI. Choose from a selection of default animation styles to suit your video's tone and message. Predis offers playful animations for a lighthearted approach or more sophisticated styles for a professional look. Adjust animation speed, duration, and direction to seamlessly integrate them into your videos.

Create Animated Videos
video animasi
premium aset saham

Premium Aset- Angkat Iklan Video Sampeyan

AI kita ora mung ngasilake salinan video lan animasi - uga nambah premium-quality images and videos directly into your video ads. These assets are carefully chosen to complement your message and enhance the overall visual appeal. Powerful search feature allows you to explore millions of royalty-free images and videos across various niches. Never worry about copyright infringement, all royalty-free sing free kanggo sampeyan nggunakake.

Gawe Video

Tim - Kolaborasi Digawe Gampang facilitates collaboration by allowing you to add team members to your account. This enables you to share projects, assign tasks, and work together seamlessly on creating compelling video ad campaigns. lets you create separate brand profiles and establish clear approval stages within the platform. Team members can review and provide feedback before final versions are published, maintaining quality control.

Coba Saiki
manajemen tim
ngedit video nganggo editor online

Suntingan Tanpa Gampang - Gawe dhewe features a user-friendly editor that enables you to personalize your AI-generated video ads. makes it easy to swap between various templates. Customize the transitions between scenes to ensure a smooth and polished final product. Edit fonts, texts, colors, gradients with simple drag and drop editor.

Nggawe Video

Video Multilingual

Gawe iklan video ing luwih saka 19 basa, supaya sampeyan bisa nggayuh pamirsa global. Cukup wenehi input ing basa pribumi lan tampa output ing basa sing dikarepake. Ngilangi alangan basa, ngidini sampeyan nggawe video sing cocog karo pamirsa internasional. Nggedhekake jangkauan lan nyambungake karo macem-macem komunitas, mesthekake pesen sampeyan dimangerteni ora preduli ing ngendi para pamirsa.

Coba Free
pirang-pirang basa

Ditresnani ❤️ dening luwih saka sejuta Pengusaha,
Pemasar lan Pencipta Konten.

Pitakonan Paling Sering

Can I customize video ad templates?

Ya. offers a range of pre-made video ad templates to jumpstart your creative process. These templates are a great way to get started quickly, but you can also heavily customize them to align with your specific brand and message. You can customize texts, fonts, colors, gradients, music, transitions, animations and switch entire templates.

Ya, sampeyan bisa. helps you to upload your logos and other brand elements directly into your brand details. This lets the AI automatically integrate your branding into your video ads, ensuring consistency across all your content.
Punika cara kerjane:

  • Step 1: Go to your account settings and access the "Brand Details" section.
  • Langkah 2: Unggah logo, warna merek, lan font sing disenengi.

Nalika nggawe iklan video anyar, will automatically use your saved brand elements, saving you time and effort.

Nalika ana akeh pembuat iklan video sing kasedhiya, offers a unique combination of features that make it a compelling choice: AI-powered content creation, Easy customization, Premium assets library and Team collaboration features.

Sampeyan bisa uga seneng njelajah