Macet carane ngrancang spanduk LinkedIn sing narik kawigaten sing nuduhake merek sampeyan? takes the hassle out of social media graphics with its powerful AI. Add your prompt, and our AI will give you stunning, professional-looking LinkedIn banners in no time.
Ndaftar lan mlebu menyang Go to the content library and click on Create. Input your text prompt for the LinkedIn header. Optionally you can select the template, output language, assets to use etc.
Predis analyzes your input and generates a LinkedIn banner. It generates the copy and headings that go in the banner. It can also generate captions for the content.
Use the editor to make changes. Add text, change fonts, add decorative elements, illustrations, change templates and color styles. Once done you can download the template.
Create polished, eye-catching LinkedIn banners that draw in traffic and encourage action. Simply input your text prompt and will produce a range of banner designs for you to select from. Stop wasting and brainstorming content ideas. Instead, leave it to and can focus on other important aspects of your LinkedIn marketing strategy. You can create content using Predis fast and effortlessly, saving you time and effort by avoiding the need to create your banner from scratch.
Nggawe nawakake yuta premium stock photos and videos from the best sources to give your content an upscale look to elevate your professional network. You can find high-quality images and videos on any topic you can imagine. Get access to an extensive library of high-quality stock photos and videos sourced from top providers on the internet.
Nggawe SpandukCreate a LinkedIn banner that reflects your brand's identity and engages your target audience. Add your brand details such as logos, fonts, colors etc. in the brand kit. Align content with the brand's visual identity and maintain consistency in branding. Upload your own images and videos, empowering your team to personalize branded banners with unique and relevant visual content that resonates with your audience.
Nggawe Bannerkanthi's intuitive editor, you can effortlessly create and modify branded banners, infusing them with custom text, visuals, and design elements while maintaining brand consistency. Add and edit text within the banners, shapes, icons, and decorative elements. change or swap a LinkedIn banner template while retaining existing content and style. Explore different visual themes without losing their established branding elements.
Make LinkedIn Bannerskanthi's resizing capabilities, you can easily adapt banners to different sizes required for LinkedIn. Leverage AI for efficient and accurate resizing. With just a single click, you can generate banner versions optimized for LinkedIn. Choose the desired size for their LinkedIn banner and witness its transformation in real-time. Automatically resize the banners into the most widely used banner sizes online.
Nggawe BannerNggawe spanduk LinkedIn ing luwih saka 18 basa sing beda-beda, ngidini sampeyan komunikasi kanthi efektif karo pamirsa global. Apa bisnis sampeyan makarya ing sak wilayah utawa ngliwati bawana, Predis ngidini sampeyan nggawe spanduk sing ngomong langsung menyang target pasar ing basa sing disenengi. Nggedhekake jangkauan sampeyan, ningkatake keterlibatan lan mbangun sambungan sing luwih kuat karo macem-macem pamirsa. Nggawe merek sampeyan konsisten lan relatable, preduli saka lokasi utawa basa pamirsa.
Design LinkedIn BannersNggawe macem-macem variasi spanduk LinkedIn kanggo nemtokake versi sing paling apik kanggo kaca sampeyan. Kanthi nyobi desain, olahpesen, utawa visual sing beda, sampeyan bisa nyempurnakake spanduk kanggo keterlibatan sing optimal. Sawise variasi wis siyap, sampeyan bisa kanthi gampang nguji A/B nggunakake aplikasi pihak katelu kanggo ngumpulake wawasan babagan spanduk sing paling cocog karo pamirsa. Priksa manawa spanduk pungkasan sampeyan paling efektif kanggo nyopir asil lan ningkatake kinerja.
Nggawe SpandukAjak anggota tim kanggo gabung Predis lan kolaborasi kanthi lancar. Ngatur macem-macem merek kanthi gampang lan atur ijin khusus kanggo saben anggota tim. Rampungake proses persetujuan konten kanthi ngatur ijin lan ngumpulake umpan balik langsung ing platform kasebut. Aktifake komunikasi sing lancar lan alur kerja sing efisien, mbantu tim sampeyan tetep selaras nalika nggarap proyek sing beda-beda. Ningkatake produktivitas lan njamin output sing konsisten lan berkualitas ing kabeh saluran media sosial.
Ngatur TimWhat is a LinkedIn Banner?
A linkedIn banner is an image that goes on top of the LinkedIn profile, near the profile picture. It replaces the default cover photo on your linkedin profile.
What are LinkedIn banner image dimensions?
The recommended dimension of a LinkedIn profile banner image is 1584 x 396 pixels. For a company page, the banner size is 1128x 191 pixels.
Is the LinkedIn banner maker free digunakake?
Ya, ora duwe kertu kredit takon Free trial, after which you can switch to a Free rencana.