Zašto ne mogu vidjeti komentare na Instagramu? Razlozi i popravci

Zašto ne mogu vidjeti komentare na Instagramu

Instagram is a photo and video-sharing social networking service owned by Meta (formerly Facebook). It was created by co-founders Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger and launched in October 2010 exclusively on iOS. A version for Android devices was released a year and a half later, in April 2012.

A feature-limited website interface followed this in November 2012, and apps for Windows 10 Mobile and Windows 10 in April 2016 and October 2016, respectively.

By 2025, Instagram is projected to have 1.44 milijardi mjesečnih aktivnih korisnika, which would account for 31.2% of global internet users. The platform originally distinguished itself by only allowing content to be framed in a square aspect ratio with 640 pixels.

However, today, the app allows users to upload photos, videos, reels, and interactive stories, which can be edited with filters and organized by using tags and location information to enable seamless discoverability. Users can also browse other users’ content, share, like, and comment on all types of content. 

However, despite being a vibrant, intuitive app, Instagram is known to experience some glitches now and then. For instance, you may have asked the question – why can’t I see komentari na Instagramu at some point or the other.

Let’s understand why this is the case and what you can do about the problem to address it, irrespective of whether you use an Android or iPhone. 

Instagram komentari

Using Instagram’s comments feature is a great way to connect with your friends and followers. While it’s great to have likes on your page, a higher number of comments indicates that your followers and fans want to engage with you, know more, and share their views.

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Veći angažman is an important metric, especially when you are looking to monetize your content on a platform like Instagram. For instance, Instagram’s average engagement rate for accounts with between 10K to 100K followers was around 6.89%. Comments play an important role in raising engagement rates.  

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Today, Instagram has made it easy to manage comments on your page as per your preferences. For instance, when you post a photo, video, reel, or story, you can choose to allow comments from anyone or just your friends. Alternatively, you can turn comments off altogether.

To manage comments on your posts, go to your profile and tap the three dots in the top right corner. Then, select “Turn Off Comments” or “Manage Comments”. If you choose to allow comments from anyone, you can still delete any comments that you don’t like. Just tap the “X” next to the comment. 

You can also report comments that violate Instagram’s Community Guidelines. When you report a comment, it gets sent to Instagram’s team of moderators for review. When you find a post you want to comment on, tap below the post. Type your comment and tap Post. You can also tap and hold the comment to delete it.

Despite all your efforts at increasing comments on your page, at times you may notice that you cannot see comments. Let’s understand why and how to solve the issue. 

Why Can’t I See Comments on Instagram? Top Reasons and Fixes:

There are times when even a well-designed platform like Instagram can have glitches. For instance, you might have trouble with seeing comments or commenting on someone else’s post.

The obvious question that arises is, “Why can’t I see comments on Instagram?”. You can follow the steps below to solve this problem, restore, and then view all the comments on Instagram.

1. Loša internetska veza

When posting a comment or trying to read comments on Instagram, always make sure that your internet connectivity is good. Check your internet speed ovdje. If the internet connectivity is low, there is a high chance for the comments not to be visible.

Fix – Restore Internet Connectivity

To solve this issue, turn your phone to airplane mode and switch it off after a few seconds. This will help in restoring the internet connection.

If still not helping, restart your device. If you are using a Wi-Fi connection, then check the connectivity. Provjerite svoj usmjerivač and restart if the connection is weak.

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2. Comments Might Not Be Posted

It is possible that the post you are looking at does not have any comments posted. Therefore, there will be no comments visible.

Once you open the post, the comments section usually displays the remark “no comments” on it. If this is not the case, then follow other steps in this blog to answer your question: “Why can’t I see comments on Instagram?”.

3. You Are Using An Outdated Version Of Instagram

If you are using an old version of the Instagram app, there is a high chance that you will have a problem seeing the comments on various Instagram postovi.

Popravi – ažuriraj Instagram

Da biste to riješili, jednostavno ažurirajte aplikaciju Instagram. Ako ste korisnik Androida, ažurirajte ga na sljedeći način.

1. Otvorite Google Play Store.

2. Dodirnite Ikona izbornika (tri vodoravne linije)

3. Dodirnite Moje aplikacije i igre

4. Pod, ispod ‘Updates Available,’ taknite 'Ažuriraj' pored Instagrama

5. Once the update has finished downloading, tap Open to launch the updated app.

You can also simply search for the Instagram app and click on the update option next to the Instagram app.

Zašto ne mogu vidjeti komentare na Instagramu - ažurirajte Instagram
Ažuriranje aplikacije Instagram

Ako koristite iPhone, svoju aplikaciju Instagram možete ažurirati tako da odete na Trgovina aplikacijama.

1. Otvorite App Store.

2. Dodirnite Ažuriranja Tab.

3. Pronađite aplikaciju Instagram na popisu ažuriranja i dodirnite Nadopune gumb pokraj njega.

4. Kada ažuriranje završi s preuzimanjem, možete otvoriti aplikaciju i početi je koristiti.

4. Instagram Pogreške

Na Instagramu mogu biti različiti problemi zbog raznih razloga. Jednostavno riješite problem "zašto ne mogu vidjeti komentare na Instagramu?" slijedeći trikove u nastavku u popravcima. Možete ili izbrisati predmemoriju aplikacije ili prisilno zaustaviti aplikaciju da biste riješili ovaj problem.

Popravak 1 – Izbrišite predmemoriju aplikacije Instagram

Brisanje predmemorije aplikacije učinit će aplikaciju učinkovitijom i bržom. Ako koristite Android telefon, izbrišite predmemoriju aplikacije pomoću ovih uputa.

  • Otvorite aplikaciju Postavke na svom telefonu i dodirnite "Aplikacije".
  • Pronađite i dodirnite Instagram na popisu aplikacija.
  • Slavina "Skladištenje".
  • Slavina 'Očisti predmemoriju'.
Brisanje predmemorije aplikacije Instagram
Brisanje predmemorije aplikacije Instagram

Ako ste korisnik iPhonea, izbrišite predmemoriju aplikacije na sljedeći način

1. Idite na aplikaciju Instagram,

2. Izbriši aplikaciju. Ovo će izbrisati predmemoriju za aplikaciju Instagram. Ponovno preuzmite aplikaciju iz trgovine aplikacija.

If you are using a Chrome browser to access the Instagram platform, clear the app cache as follows: 

  1. Otvorite preglednik Chrome 
  2. Tap on the top three dots on the top right
  3. Tap History tab
  4. Tap on ‘Clear browsing data’
  5. Choose the time range
  6. Next, check boxes next to ‘Cookies and site data’ and ‘Cached images and files’
  7. Tap on ‘Clear data’

Popravak 2 – ponovno instalirajte aplikaciju kako biste riješili problem

Ako imate Android telefon, možete slijediti ove korake za ponovno instaliranje aplikacije Instagram:

1. Idi na Google Play Store i potražite Instagram.

2. Dodirnite Uninstall tipku.

3. Nakon što deinstalacija završi, dodirnite Instalirati tipku.

4. Ovo će ponovno instalirati aplikaciju.

5. Nakon što se aplikacija instalira, prijavite se svojim Korisničko ime za Instagram i lozinku.

6. Sada ste spremni koristiti Instagram bez ikakvih problema.

Koraci za ponovno instaliranje aplikacije Instagram na iPhoneu:

1. Otvorite App Store na svom iPhoneu.

2. Dodirnite ikonu pretraživanja u donjem desnom kutu zaslona.

3. Upišite 'instagram' u traci za pretraživanje i ponovno dodirnite ikonu za pretraživanje.

4. Pronađite aplikaciju Instagram u rezultatima pretraživanja i dodirnite 'Deinstaliraj'.

5. Ako se to od vas zatraži, unesite lozinku za Apple ID.

6. Nakon što je aplikacija deinstalirana, 'dobiti' pojavit će se opcija.

7. Kliknite na nju kako biste ponovno instalirali aplikaciju na svoj iPhone.

Popravak 3 – Prisilno zaustavite aplikaciju Instagram

Na Android telefonu, za prisilno zaustavljanje Instagrama,

1. Ići Postavke

2. Otvoreno Aplikacije

3. Otvoreno Instagram

4. Dodirnite Prisilno zaustavljanje. Od vas će se tražiti da potvrdite da želite zaustaviti aplikaciju, pa dodirnite OK.

Zašto ne mogu vidjeti komentare na Instagramu - Prisilno zaustavite aplikaciju Instagram
Prisilno zaustavite aplikaciju Instagram

Da biste prisilno zaustavili aplikaciju Instagram na iPhoneu,

Jedan od načina je otići u App Store i pronaći "Instagram aplikacija'. Nakon što ga pronađete, dodirnite 'X' za brisanje aplikacije. To će uzrokovati prestanak rada aplikacije.

Drugi način da prisilno zaustavite aplikaciju je da odete u Postavke svog uređaja i zatim dodirnete 'Općenito'. Zatim dodirnite 'Osvježavanje aplikacije u pozadini'. Vidjet ćete popis aplikacija kojima je dopušteno osvježavanje u pozadini. Isključite prekidač pored "Instagram' za prisilno zaustavljanje aplikacije

5. Telefon Pogreške

Ponekad nakon što ste isprobali sve, uključujući internetsku vezu, problem "zašto ne mogu vidjeti komentare na Instagramu" možda neće biti riješen. To je jednostavno zato što postoje kvarovi na telefonu. Obratite pozornost na popravke ispod kako biste riješili ovaj problem ponovnim pokretanjem telefona ili brisanjem memorije telefona.

Popravak 1 – Ponovno pokrenite telefon

Za Android telefone dugo pritisnite gumb za uključivanje i odaberite isključi ili ponovno pokreni telefon. Na iPhoneu dugo pritisnite tipku za napajanje i isključite telefon te ga ponovno uključite ili jednostavno ponovno pokrenite telefon.

Popravak 2 – Očistite pohranu telefona/Instagrama

Ponekad je moguće da telefon ima previše prostora za pohranu i to može usporiti telefon. To će zauzvrat utjecati na izvedbu aplikacije Instagram i može uzrokovati problem s komentarima. jednostavno očistite neželjenu pohranu na telefonu.

6. Turn the Data Saver Off 

If you have a data saver on, either on your phone or the Instagram app, then it may cause trouble when using Instagram. The data saver mode is a feature on Android phones that limits the amount of data apps like Instagram can use in the background when your phone is consuming mobile data, not Wi-Fi.

This feature aims to save on data consumption. However, a side effect is that it can also interfere with comments when you’re not connected to Wi-To solve this by turn the data saver mode off on the phone.

Popravak – Isključite čuvar podataka

Način rada za uštedu podataka može blokirati mnoge značajke u aplikaciji Instagram jer može zahtijevati veliku potrošnju podataka. Jednostavno isključite način rada za uštedu podataka na telefonu i pokušajte ponovo učitati komentare. Ako imate uključen način rada za uštedu podataka u aplikaciji Instagram, isključite ga.

1. Idi na 'Postavke Instagrama'.

2. Kliknite na 'Postavke računa'.

3. Ići "Upotreba mobilnih podataka".

4. Okrenite "Ušteda podataka isključena".

Isključivanje čuvara podataka na Instagramu.
Isključivanje čuvara podataka na Instagramu

7. Comments Might Be Filtered 

Various features on Instagram enable users to filter or restrict the number of comments. For instance, a user can turn the comments option off; this action blocks comments completely, hence, no one can post comments to your page.

In this case, you will not be able to view any comments on such posts. Another feature is where a user can restrict or filter the comments and allow only a limited number of comments on the posts. In such a scenario, fewer comments will be visible on the post.

8. Your Account Might Be Blocked or Restricted

Instagram has put in place stringent usage guidelines to make the app a safe, positive space for all its users.

If you post a picture, reel, video, story, or comment that goes against these guidelines, then the platform may restrict your account from liking or commenting on posts. This action can also make it difficult to view all comments on Instagram.

Popraviti -

Unfortunately, you will need to wait for your account to be free from restrictions. Consider making a formal complaint or sending an email to Instagram mentioning the issues faced by you.

Sometimes, the restrictions are automated, and the issue can be solved through some real-time intervention by the platform. 


Comments play an extremely important role in helping Instagram users express themselves, connect with other users, and build high-quality engagement on their pages. Not being able to view or post comments is a setback for any users.

However, by using the quick fixes mentioned in this blog, you can not only answer the question, “Why can’t I see comments on Instagram?” but you can also take affirmative steps to solve the issue. By troubleshooting systematically, you can ensure that your comments are always visible and add value to your social pages. 

Building a business, creator, or social influencer profile on Instagram requires creativity, strategy, high-quality content, and access to quality data insights.’s AI-powered content generation capabilities and data-driven analytical approach are enabling businesses of all sizes and scales to get more strategic and blow up their social pages, including Instagram. 

Prijavite se za danas! Učinkovito i djelotvorno upravljajte svojim kanalima društvenih medija i poboljšajte angažman dizajnom interaktivnih objava u nekoliko klikova.

Budući da smo ovdje, tražite li nešto puno revolucionarnije što će vam čak pomoći da napravite sadržaj!

Prijavite se za danas! Upravljajte svojim kanalima društvenih medija i također poboljšajte angažman dizajnom interaktivnih objava u nekoliko klikova.

Širi ljubav
Tanmay Ratnaparkhe

Suosnivač, 2X poduzetnik, tehnološki entuzijast i stručnjak za SaaS, specijaliziran za Instagram marketing i AI. Uz sposobnost korištenja tehnologije za marketinški uspjeh, oni dijele vrijedne uvide i strategije za povećanje vaše digitalne prisutnosti i produktivnosti.