Instagram Post Stuck on Sending? Reasons and Fixes

Instagram is a photo and video-sharing social networking service owned by Facebook, Inc. It was created by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger and launched in October 2010. Instagram has become one of the most popular social networking platforms, with over 2 mil millones de usuarios activos mensuales a partir de 2024.

The app is available in more than 32  idiomas. and has been used by celebrities and everyday people alike to share photos and videos of their everyday lives. Although Instagram has a lot of features there might be some issues like Instagram posts stuck on sending.

Let’s explore some of the commonly witnessed reasons behind Instagram posts stuck on sending and quick tips to fix each one of them.

Contenido de Instagram

There are some things to keep in mind when posting on Instagram.

  • First, remember that Instagram is a public platform. Anything you post can be seen by anyone, so be mindful of what you share.
  • Second, be aware of the platform’s terms of service. Don’t post anything that violates Instagram’s rules, or you could get your account suspended.
  • Finally, remember that your mensajes debería agregar valor a la plataforma. No se limite a publicar fotos o vídeos aleatorios; en su lugar, comparte algo que interese o entretenga a tus seguidores.

A continuación se ofrecen algunos consejos e ideas sobre cómo hacer que sus publicaciones de Instagram se destaquen del resto.

  • Get creative with your captions: Your título es tan importante como tu foto o vídeo, así que asegúrate de pensarlo un poco. Un título inteligente o divertido puede marcar la diferencia a la hora de que tu publicación llame la atención o no.
  • Usa hashtags: Hashtags son una excelente manera de hacer que tu publicación sea notada por personas que aún no te siguen. Pero tenga cuidado de no utilizar demasiados, o su publicación parecerá spam.
  • Use filters sparingly: Too many filters can make your photos look fake and overdone. Use them sparingly, or better yet, not at all.
  • Post-quality content: This should go without saying, but it’s important to remember that quality trumps quantity when it comes to Instagram. It’s better to post one amazing photo than ten mediocre ones.
  • Make use of post templates: You are more than welcome to upload a simple picture to the Feed. In fact, you ought to occasionally! Providing variety in your posts is what matters most. Include borders, images, and text in your post to make it appear more polished.

Si sigue estos consejos, seguramente hará que sus publicaciones de Instagram se destaquen del resto.

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Instagram Post Stuck on Sending? Reasons and Fixes:

Sometimes, when you are trying to post a picture, you might find the Instagram post stuck on sending. There are many reasons why this occurs. But there is always a solution to this.

Go through the following reasons to know why your Instagram post is stuck on sending with fixes to the various issues.

1. Conectividad a Internet:

When posting something on Instagram, always make sure that your internet connectivity is good. If not there are chances you might have an Instagram post stuck on sending.

Solución: restaurar la conectividad a Internet

To solve this issue, turn your phone to airplane mode and switch it off after a few seconds. This will help in restoring the internet connection. If still not helping, restart your device.

If you are using Wi-Fi, then check its connection. Verifique el enrutador y rectificar si la conexión es débil.

2. Image Violating Instagram Policy:

If your picture is getting stuck while posting despite having good internet connectivity and an updated app, then there might be a problem with the picture you have chosen to post.

Normally, you can post images, but they get taken down later after posting. But there is a high chance that it might be violating Instagram policy, and that is why it is getting stuck.

Solución: verifique la imagen antes de publicarla

Check the image that you’re trying to upload. If it does not match the Instagram guidelines, then try changing the image and uploading something that matches the Instagram guidelines.

Asegúrate de leer Pautas de la comunidad de Instagram si tiene problemas para cargar varias imágenes.

3. Using Outdated Instagram Version:

If you are using an old version of the Instagram app, there is a high chance that you will have a problem while using the app. It can cause problems like Instagram posts getting stuck while posting.

Arreglar – Actualizar Instagram

To solve this, simply update the Instagram app. If you are an Android user, update it as follows.

  1. Abra la Google Play Store.
  2. Tap on the Menu icon (three horizontal lines)
  3. Tap on My apps & games
  4. Under ‘Updates Available,’ tap Update next to Instagram
  5. Una vez que la actualización termine de descargarse, toque Abrir para iniciar la aplicación actualizada.
¿La publicación de Instagram se atascó al enviar? Razones y soluciones
Actualizando la aplicación de Instagram

También puedes simplemente buscar la aplicación de Instagram y hacer clic en la opción de actualización al lado de la aplicación de Instagram.

Si estás usando un iPhone, puedes actualizar tu aplicación de Instagram yendo a App Store.

  1. Abre la App Store.
  2. Presiona la pestaña Actualizaciones.
  3. Find the Instagram app in the list of updates and tap the Update button next to it.
  4. Una vez que la actualización termine de descargarse, puede abrir la aplicación y comenzar a usarla.

4. Having a Lot of App Cache on the Phone:

Si tiene una gran cantidad de caché de la aplicación sin borrar, entonces es muy posible que la aplicación se ralentice. Interferirá con el uso de Instagram y causará problemas al publicar imágenes. Clearing the Instagram cache will clear many things; check them first.

Solución: borrar el caché de la aplicación Instagram

Clearing the app cache will make the app more efficient and faster. If you are using an Android phone, clear the app cache through these instructions.

  • Abra la aplicación Configuración en su teléfono y toque 'Aplicaciones'
  • Busque y toque Instagram en la lista de aplicaciones.
  • Pulsa para buscar 'Almacenamiento'.
  • Pulsa para buscar 'Limpiar cache'.
¿La publicación de Instagram se atascó al enviar? Razones y soluciones
Borrar caché de aplicaciones en Instagram

If you are an iPhone user, clear the app cache as follows:

  1. Go to the Instagram app,
  2. Eliminar la aplicación. Esto borrará el caché de la aplicación de Instagram. Vuelva a descargar la aplicación desde la tienda de aplicaciones.

5. Instagram App Glitch:

Many times, there could be a problem with the Instagram app, or there might be an Instagram outage. The Instagram outage is not a common issue, but you can always look for an Instagram outage online if your post isn’t uploading without any reason.

Si se trata de un problema de Instagram, simplemente espere hasta que se resuelva o envíe una queja a través de la aplicación. También puedes reinstalar la aplicación para corregir cualquier problema técnico.

Solución: reinstale la aplicación para resolver la publicación de Instagram atascada en el problema de envío

If you have an Android phone, you can follow these steps to reinstall the Instagram app:

  1. Go to the Google Play Store and search for Instagram.
  2. Toque el botón de desinstalación.
  3. Once the uninstallation is complete, tap on the install button.
  4. This will Install the app again.
  5. Once the app is installed, sign in with your Instagram username and password.
  6. You are now ready to use Instagram without any issues with the music option.

Pasos sobre cómo reinstalar la aplicación de Instagram en un iPhone:

  1. Abra la App Store en su iPhone.
  2. Tap the search icon in the bottom right corner of the screen.
  3. Type in ‘Instagram’ in the search bar and tap the search icon again.
  4. Find the Instagram app in the search results and tap ‘uninstall.’
  5. If prompted, enter your Apple ID password.
  6. Once the app is uninstalled, the ‘Get’ option will appear.
  7. Click on it to reinstall the app on your iPhone.

Solución: forzar la detención de la aplicación de Instagram

On Android phones, to force stop Instagram,

  1. Ir a la configuración
  2. Aplicaciones abiertas
  3. Abrir Instagram
  4. Tap on Force Stop. You’ll be prompted to confirm that you want to stop the app, so tap OK.
¿La publicación de Instagram se atascó al enviar? Razones y soluciones
Forzar la detención de la aplicación Instagram

Para forzar la detención de la aplicación Instagram en un iPhone,

Una forma es ir a la App Store y buscar el 'Instagram app.’ Once you have found it, tap on the 'X' para eliminar la aplicación. Esto hará que la aplicación deje de ejecutarse.

Otra forma de forzar la detención de la aplicación es ir a la Configuración de su dispositivo y tocar 'General.' Luego, toque ‘Background App Refresh.’ Verá una lista de aplicaciones que pueden actualizarse en segundo plano. Apague el interruptor junto a 'Instagram ''to force stop the app.

Fix- Check for the latest Instagram updates

Verify if there needs to be an update for the Instagram app. Instagram updates its software frequently to improve its speed and overall usability. But, when a new version is released, the older versions cease to function after a couple of weeks. You need to update Instagram if you haven’t done so in a while. The steps are as follows:

In the case of Android:

  • Inicie Play Store.
  • Click the top result after searching Instagram.
  • You will find two options- Update and uninstall. Press the latter.
  • Occasionally, your internet speed will determine whether or not your Instagram application is updated.

Para usuarios de iOS:

  • Inicie la App Store
  • Look up Instagram and click on it
  • Press the Update button

A little delay is recommended before opening the Instagram app after it has been updated. Try uploading a post once you open the updated app to check if you are still having trouble uploading or if the glitch has been solved.

6. Using Data Saver:

Si usted tiene una ahorrador de datos on, either on your phone or the Instagram app, then it will cause trouble in using Instagram, including posts not uploading. To solve this, turn the data saver off on the phone.

Fix – Turn the data saver off

Data saver mode can block a lot of features in the Instagram app as it might demand high data usage. Simply turn off the data saver mode on the phone and try uploading the images again. If you have a data saver mode on in the Instagram app, turn it off.

  1. Visite la ‘Instagram settings.’
  2. Haga clic en ‘Account settings.’
  3. Ve a  ‘Cellular data usage.’
  4. Gire el ‘Data saver off.’
Desactivar el ahorro de datos en Instagram
Desactivar el ahorro de datos en Instagram

7. An Issue With The Phone:

Esto puede ocurrir cuando la aplicación de Instagram se ralentiza debido a demasiado almacenamiento en el teléfono. Borre el almacenamiento de su teléfono y el funcionamiento de Instagram mejorará. También puede intentar reiniciar su dispositivo o reiniciar su dispositivo.

Fix – Restart the phone to solve the Instagram post stuck on sending the problem

For Android phones, long-press the power button and select Switch off or Reboot the phone. In an iPhone, long-press the power button, switch off the phone, and switch it back on, or simply restart the phone.

Reiniciar/reiniciar el teléfono

8. Instagram Data Setting

Instagram’s data usage limit can be changed to restrict what you can upload, how frequently you post your images or videos, and how much data you use. A problem with an excessively low data limit could be the reason why your Instagram post is taking forever to send.

Fix- Simply increasing the data limit may help you deal with the issue

Here are a few easy steps to do so:

  1. Navigate to “Profile” in the Instagram app
  2. Select “Account” after going to “Settings”
  3. Locate “Mobile/Cellular Data Usage” by scrolling down
  4. Select media with high resolution to increase the data limit
Configuración de datos móviles

9. Formato de archivo no compatible

Instagram posts that are stuck in the sending process can also be caused by uploading content in an unsupported format. Instagram only supports JPG, JPEG, PNG, BMP, GIF, and MP4 file types for content uploads; no other formats are supported.

Fix- Make sure that the image or video format you are using can be uploaded here; if not, use a conversion tool to change your intended content’s format to one that is approved.

10. Revise the Time and Date

If the date and time on your iPhone are outdated, Instagram posts will become inactive. The SIM network you supply ought to automatically update the time and date by default. However, the scenario mentioned above will happen if some individuals disable the automatic time synchronization.

Fix- To have your iPhone effortlessly match the date and time over the network, go to Settings > General > Date & Time > Set Automatically.


La publicación de Instagram atascada al enviar es una característica común que muchas personas pueden enfrentar al usar Instagram. Si se enfrenta al mismo problema, este blog podría haber sido útil para solucionarlos. Simplemente siga las soluciones en este blog y su publicación pasará de la publicación de Instagram atascada al enviarse a la publicación cargada en Instagram.

Looking for more inspiration on how to boost Instagram post engagement? Head out to After analyzing your input, our AI generates custom innovative captions for Instagram posts, selects appropriate post templates, and comes up with suggestions for Instagram posts to maximize engagement.

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Tanmay Ratnaparkhe

Cofundador, emprendedor 2X, entusiasta de la tecnología y experto en SaaS, especializado en marketing de Instagram e IA. Con una habilidad especial para aprovechar la tecnología para el éxito del marketing, comparten información y estrategias valiosas para impulsar su presencia digital y productividad.